Gameplay/AI programmer.
Write about game programming, Unreal Engine and C++

Generic numeric structures


There are a lot of cases, when you need to use some common structures with same pattern.

For example, if you are working on Ability System with magic spells, you would like to define minimal and maximal damage. Of course, you could create two variables:

int32 MinDamage = 10;

int32 MaxDamage = 20;

But there are better ways. One of them - use TInterval.

TInterval<int32> Damage {10, 20};

But there is one issue. Very critical issue. You can’t expose this variable to Blueprints.

It is nonsense. Designers should have easy access to this data to modify them. But blueprints don’t supports templates.

So what the solution you can think about?

Define your own structure!

struct FDamageStruct

	UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly)
	int32 MinDamage = 10;
	UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly)
	int32 MaxDamage = 20;


FDamageStruct Damage;

Technically, it works.

Damage struct

But imagine case. Now you need to make same with character’s speed. Will you define FSpeedStruct? Definitely not. We need more generics!

Interval for Blueprints

There are:


It is special wrappers to support exposing to blueprints:

FInt32Interval Damage {10, 20};


So creating your own interval structures has no sense because of FXInterval


There is also one thing, you could use. Look into: Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Math\MathFwd.h

And find a bunch of forward declarations. Whole engine uses it. When you see vector of something, it is:

FVector == UE::Math::TVector<double> == template<typename T> struct TVector

So, technically templates could be exposed to blueprints this way.

And we can use it.

Templated Numeric Point

Let’s check, is there something interesting for us in MathFwd. Remember, we need generic min-max template.

There is something called TIntPoint. Name suggests it is used as templated int. It is totally okay for our min-max to be numeric X-Y (because it is point). There are few declarations for this:

// Int points
using FInt32Point = UE::Math::TIntPoint<int32>;
using FInt64Point = UE::Math::TIntPoint<int64>;
using FUint32Point = UE::Math::TIntPoint<uint32>;
using FUint64Point = UE::Math::TIntPoint<uint64>;

Signed and unassigned ints for 32 and 64 bits. We should try it:

FInt32Point Damage {10, 20};

And yeah, this works:

Generic int struct

The only issue, there are X and Y names of variables, because of generic. But from my perspective, it is fair price for ability to declare generic X-Y struct.

Templated Numeric Rect

From other hand, FInt32Rect could not be exposed to blueprints. I have no idea why. Nobody doesn’t add support for it :(

But if you want to declare some generic numeric stuff, just look into MathFwd. Maybe somebody add it, and add support for blueprints!